Day 104/365 – On commitments



Due to my blissful ignorance in Costa Rica, and my policy of technology-free retreating, I ran very behind on my posts. But I’ve also made a commitment to myself that I will blog each day for 365 days. So I’m gradually catching up to my blogging, using my journaling and my thoughts for inspiration. I’m retrospectively reflecting on my trip and the lessons I learned there. I wanted to have some time away in nature and introspection. I wanted inspiration and help in decision-making.

I made peace with my relationship to money. There never seems to be enough, but somehow you prioritize your values and your resources, and you make it work. There will always be obstacles and derailments, and money will seem to drain faster than it comes in. It’s most important to spend money on what’s important to you, and to focus on earning more, rather than be stingy and try to save. What goes around comes around, and generosity pays off more at the end.

But back to my topic: commitment. I have committed to the retreat, to my blog, to myself. I intend to keep the promises I made to myself, so that I can trust myself more. I will commit to myself.

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